22 Sutton Crescent, Morningside

Durban 4001, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

9:00 AM - 17:30 PM

Monday to Friday

Abahambayo & guests

31 Jan

Abahambayo & guests

Abahambayo, Durban’s favourite Urban Zulu band, is hosting an all-live collaboration at Alliance Française to showcase the talents of some great Durban artists, featuring:

King Kong the king of African Dancehall

Dinkie the Lyrical Therapist

Black Cherry X Soul-diva-deluxe

Pat Zondi township accordion pansula

All backed by the Abahambayo live band, who will also be performing some exciting new material.

The event is proudly sponsored by Concerts SA and iSupport

Alliance Française de Durban, 22 Sutton Crescent, Morningside.

Enjoy pizzas and a full bar from Aces Pizza